Clover - Clamp Animation
"A 7 minute anime clip based on the manga was developed by the studio Madhouse (who were responsible for the movie X: The Destiny War which was based on Clamp's X/1999 manga). It is cel-animated with some CGI enhancement, set to a dreamy jazz score and female vocal, based on the first two volumes of Clover; the piece attempts to capture the essence of Clamp's Art Nouveau-styled illustrations and Avant-garde storytelling."
This DVD is an original Japanese region 2 NTSC DVD
- Otaku code: 72378Y
- Catalogue no.: BCBA-2928
- Barcode: 4934569629289
- Release date: 25/5/2007
- Condition: New
- Languages: Japanese
- Format: 1 DVD - NTSC Region 2