Otaku.co.uk FAQ

How do I contact You?

Please contact us by email at info@otaku.co.uk. If you require an immediate response during office hours (9:30am-5:00pm Mon-Fri), our customer service number is (020) 86553138.

Our postal address is: Otaku.co.uk, 8 Leslie Park Road, Croydon CR0 6TN, UK

Do your prices include VAT/import duty?

VAT and all import taxes are included in all prices for UK buyers. For buyers outside the UK, VAT is not included in prices and any import duties and taxes will need to be paid to local customs authorities on arrival at the delivery address. We are not able to pay these charges on the recipient's behalf.

Do you have a shop I can visit?

No, we not have a physical shop. However, we do take our stock to various events around the UK throughout the year where you can purchase from us in person. Please see the 'Forthcoming Events' page for a list.

Availability and cancellation of items

Items listed as 'in stock' on the web site are currently available for immediate delivery. Items listed as 'available to order' need to be obtained from our suppliers and may take up to 6 weeks to deliver, however some items may become unavailable so we will contact you by email if this happens. You can cancel any order at any time, with the exception of Japanese DVD/blu-ray orders.


Any damaged or faulty item can be returned for a replacement. Please contact us within 3 days of receipt of items for details of returning the item. Returns will only be accepted if there is a genuine fault with the product, including damage, faulty item, item not as described, and item not ordered. We may refund your return postage in these cases.

If possible take a photo of the damage including the shipping reference number/label in the photo. Please keep the original packaging. Items returned for any other reason, will be dealt with on a case by case basis, please contact us for details before returning any item.

Terms and conditions

Please note that listed prices are valid, but we reserve the right to change prices (due to suppliers price changes and exchange rate variations). Prices, descriptions and release dates are correct to the best of our knowledge, but we can not be held responsible for mistakes, omissions or errors that may regrettably occur. We reserve the right to change any of these terms without notice.